Art Criticism


K (Q1)

Frank Stella, Jarama II 1982

Describe: Describe what you see in this artwork?

Analyze: What are the line types you can identify in this artwork?

Interpret: What do you think this is a picture of? Have you seen something like this before?

Judge: How would this artwork change if only one type of line or shape was used?


K Q1 U3

Joan Miro, El Sol (The Sun) 1949

Describe: What is this a picture of?

Analyze: Do you see any free form shapes? What types of geometric shapes can you find?

Interpret: How do you think the artist was feeling when he made this artwork?

Judge: What do you like about this artwork? What would you change or do differently if this were your artwork?


K Q1 U4

Henri Matisse, Purple Robe and Anemones 1937

Describe: Is this a portrait or a still life? What is the subject of this artwork?

Analyze: What types of pattern can you see? Can you find examples of texture?

Interpret: What do you think is the relationship of the subject to the artist?

Judge: Do you prefer a more realistic artwork like this to abstract artworks? Why or why not?