First Grade

Art Activity 

Walk-In Bedroom

Title of lesson:  How to create a 1pt perspective bedroom

Line in Art

Review:  While you draw your bedroom try to remember some of the lines below. 

What is the name of the lines drawn below? Bonus: What is the name of the shape drawn below?

Practice drawing: What is perspective?

Perspective is a method of creating the illusion of depth by means of converging lines. In simple terms that means that by taking and arranging your lines on a piece of paper, you can make your image appear as though it is three dimensional. Visualize standing in the front of your room, the back wall seems far away. Things farther away from where you are standing appear smaller. Practice drawing a room where things are smaller when farther away. 


Step 1: Draw a rectangle in the center of the page close to the top of your paper

Step 2: Draw lines from your rectangle to each corner of your paper. Can you notice where each part of the room is located? Example: Where is the ceiling?

Step 3: Draw a rectangle on the back wall (close to the right side of the wall). This will be the headboard on your bed. Make a trapezoid shape for the bed mattress. 

Step 4: Draw a rectangle at the bottom to the trapezoid. This will make the mattress look 3D. Add legs to the bottom of your bed. Add a pillow and erase the line going through your pillow. Add details (texture) on the bed when you have time. 

Step 5: Draw a door or a hallway. Do you remember how to make a hallway? Try it without my help. Make a small door inside your door you just made. Connect the bottom left corner of the small door to the big door. Erase the big door floor line. Try it. If you have trouble just make a door. Draw a window on the left wall. Short line first and then a long line. The lines at the top and bottom of the window should be going the same direction, which is called ____________? Don't forget the make your light hanging from the ceiling. 

Step 6: Add a rug and continue to add things to your room for practice. We will continue to draw new things in your room when you come to class. Great job!!!

Bedroom Examples: Some of the room have mistakes. Can you spot any mistakes in the drawings?

Have Fun Creating Artists!!!