TN Fine Arts Standards

Definition of Visual Arts

Visual Arts include the traditional fine arts such as drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, and sculpture; media arts including film, graphic communications, animation, and emerging technologies; achitectural, environmental, and industrial arts such as urban, interior, product, and landscape design; folk arts; and works of art such as ceramics, fibers, jewelry, works in wood, paper, and other materials. (Source NAEA)

Media Arts Introduction

The fine arts standards (dance, media arts, music, theatre, and visual arts) are organized using the same overarching framework. First, the standards are divided into four distinct artistic processes, called domains. Each domain includes a series of ideas that unite the fine arts within those artistic processes, called foundations. The section below illustrates the four domains and foundations for media arts.






DOMAIN: Create 1

Foundation Cr1

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understandings

Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed.

Essential Questions

What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking? What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks? How does collaboration influence the creative process?

Standard VA.Cr1.A

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr1.A Explore and experiment imaginatively with ideas and materials.


1.VA.Cr1.A Explore and experiment imaginatively with ideas and materials through collaboration.


2.VA.Cr1.A Brainstorm collaboratively multiple approaches to an art or design problem.


3.VA.Cr1.A Elaborate on an imaginative idea.


4.VA.Cr1.A Brainstorm original approaches to an art or design problem.


5.VA.Cr1.A Combine ideas to generate an innovative plan for art-making.

DOMAIN: Create 2

Foundation Cr1

Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understandings

Artists and designers shape artistic investigations, following or breaking with traditions in pursuit of creative art-making goals.

Essential Questions

How does knowing the contexts histories and traditions of artforms help us create worksof art and design? Why do artists follow or break from established traditions? How doartists determine what resources and criteria are needed to formulate artistic investigations?

Standard VA.Cr1.B

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr1.B Collaborate in creative art-making in response to an artistic problem.


1.VA.Cr1.B Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.


2.VA.Cr1.B Make art or design with a variety of materials and tools, exploring personal interests, questions, and curiosities.


3.VA.Cr1.B Apply knowledge of selected resources, tools, and technologies to investigate personal ideas through art-making.


4.VA.Cr1.B Collaboratively set goals, and create artwork that ismeaningful and has purpose to the makers.


5.VA.Cr1.B Identify and demonstrate various investigative methods in choosing an approach for beginning a work of art.

DOMAIN: Create 3

Foundation Cr2

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understandings

Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials, concepts, media, and art-making approaches.

Essential Questions

How do artists work? How do artists and designers determine the effectiveness of particular choices in their work? How do artists and designers learn from trial and error?

Standard VA.Cr2.A

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr2.A Through experimentation, build skills in various media and artmaking approaches, using developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.


1.VA.Cr2.A Explore uses of materials and tools to create works of art or design, using developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.


2.VA.Cr2.A Experiment with various materials and tools to explore personal interests in a work of art or design, using developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.


3.VA.Cr2.A Create artwork to meet personal criteria, using a variety of artistic processes and materials and developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.


4.VA.Cr2.A Explore and invent art-making techniques and approaches using developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.


5.VA.Cr2.A Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice using developmentally appropriate craftsmanship.

DOMAIN: Create 4

Foundation Cr2

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understandings

Artists and designers balance experimentation with safety and freedom with responsibility while developing and creating artworks.

Essential Questions

How do artists and designers care for and maintain materials, tools, and equipment? Why is it important for safety and health to understand and follow correct procedures in handling materials, tools, and equipment? What responsibilities come with the freedom to create?

Standard VA.Cr2.B

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr2.B Use art materials, tools, and equipment safely.


1.VA.Cr2.B Demonstrate safe and proper procedures for using materials, tools, and equipment.


2.VA.Cr2.B Demonstrate safe procedures for using and cleaning art tools, equipment, and studio spaces.


3.VA.Cr2.B Demonstrate an understanding of the safe and proficient use of materials, tools, and equipment for a variety of artistic processes.


4.VA.Cr2.B Utilize and care for materials, tools, and equipment in a manner that prevents danger to oneself and others.


5.VA.Cr2.B Demonstrate resourceful care for and use of materials, tools, and equipment.

DOMAIN: Create 5

Foundation Cr2

Organize and develop artistic ideas and work

Enduring Understandings

People create and interact with objects, places, and design that define, shape,enhance, and empower their lives

Essential Questions

How do objects, places, and design shape lives and communities? How do artists and designers determine goals for designing or redesigning objects, places, or systems? How do artists and designers create works of art or design that effectively communicate?

Standard VA.Cr2.C

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr2.C Create art that represents natural and constructed environments.


1.VA.Cr2.C Identify and classify uses of everyday objects through diverse visual art media.


2.VA.Cr1.A Brainstorm collaboratively multiple approaches to an art or design problem.


3.VA.Cr2.C Individually or collaboratively construct visual representations of objects or places from everyday life.


4.VA.Cr2.C Document, describe, and represent community spaces and environments.


5.VA.Cr2.C Identify, describe, and visually document places and/or objects of personal significance.

DOMAIN: Create 6

Foundation Cr3

Refine and complete artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

Artist and designers develop excellence through practice and constructive critique, reflecting on, revising, and refining work over time.

Essential Questions

What role does persistence play in revising, refining, and developing work? How do artists grow and become accomplished in art forms? How does collaboratively reflecting on a work construct a more complete experience?

Standard VA.Cr3.A

Grade Level



K.VA.Cr3.A Explain the process of making art while creating.


*1.VA.Cr3.A Use art vocabulary to describe choices while creating art.


2.VA.Cr3.A Discuss and reflect with peers about choices made in creating artwork.


3.VA.Cr3.A Add details to an artwork to enhance emerging meaning.


4.VA.Cr3.A Revise artwork in progress on the basis of insights gained through peer critique.


*5.VA.Cr3.A Communicate personal decisions in art-making in an artist statement or another format.


DOMAIN: Present 1

Foundation P1

Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Enduring Understandings

Artists and other presenters consider various techniques, methods, venues, and criteria when analyzing, selecting, and curating objects, artifacts, and artworks for preservation and presentation.

Essential Questions

How are artworks cared for and by whom? What criteria, methods, and processes are used to select work for preservation or presentation? Why do people value objects, artifacts, and artworks and select them for presentation?

Standard VA.P1.A

Grade Level



K.VA.P1.A Select art objects for personal portfolio and display, explaining why they were chosen.


1.VA.P1.A Explain why some objects, artifacts, and artwork are valued over others.


2.VA.P1.A Categorize artwork based on a theme or concept for an exhibit.


3.VA.P1.A Investigate and discuss possibilities and limitations of traditional and emerging presentation spaces.


4.VA.P1.A Analyze how traditional and emerging technologies have impacted the preservation and presentation of artwork.


5.VA.P1.A Define and explain the qualifications and responsibilities of a curator.

DOMAIN: Present 2

Foundation P2

Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

Enduring Understandings

Artists, curators, and others consider a variety of factors and methods when preparing and refining artwork for display and deciding if and how to preserve and protect it.

Essential Questions

What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation? How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer? What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection?

Standard VA.P2.A

Grade Level



K.VA.P2.A Explain the purpose of a portfolio or collection.


1.VA.P2.A Ask and answer questions such as where, when, why, and how artwork should be prepared for presentation or preservation.


2.VA.P2.A Distinguish between different materials or artistic techniquesfor preparing artwork for presentation.


3.VA.P2.A Identify traditional and emerging presentation spaces, and prepare works of art for presentation including an artist’s statement.


4.VA.P2.A Analyze strategies for exhibiting and preserving a variety of artforms in both traditional and emerging presentation spaces.


5.VA.P2.A Demonstrate effective use of methods and techniques for preparing and presenting artwork.

DOMAIN: Present 3

Foundation P3

Convey and express meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

Objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented either by artists, museums, or other venues communicate meaning and a record of social, cultural, and political experiences resulting in the cultivation of appreciation and understanding.

Essential Questions

What is an art museum? How does the presenting and sharing of objects, artifacts, and artworks influence and shape ideas, beliefs, and experiences? How do objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented, cultivate appreciation and understanding?

Standard VA.P3.A

Grade Level



K.VA.P3.A Explain the function of an art museum, and distinguish how an art museum is different from other buildings and presentation spaces.


1.VA.P3.A Identify the roles and responsibilities of people who work in and visit traditional and emerging presentation spaces.


2.VA.P3.A Analyze how art exhibited in traditional and emerging presentation spaces contributes to communities.


3.VA.P3.A Identify and explain how and where different cultures record and illustrate stories and history of life through art.


4.VA.P3.A Compare and contrast purposes of a variety of presentation spaces and the types of experiences they provide.


5.VA.P3.A Explain how an exhibition in a traditional or emerging presentation space provides ideas and information about a specific concept or topic.


DOMAIN: Respond 1

Foundation R1

Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

Visual literacy is an essential life skill that can be developed through the close examination of artwork and becomes a system by which viewers understand and interpret the world.

Essential Questions

What is an image? Where and how do we encounter images in our world? How doimages convey meaning? How do images influence our views of the world? How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text?

Standard VA.R1.A

Grade Level



K.VA.R1.A Describe what an image represents.


1.VA.R1.A Compare images that represent the same subject.


2.VA.R1.A Categorize images based on determined key information and relevant details.


3.VA.R1.A Categorize images based on expressive properties.


4.VA.R1.A Determine the main idea of an image, and explain how it is supported by key details.


5.VA.R1.A Explain how images can convey cultural associations.

DOMAIN: Respond 2

Foundation R1

Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

Individual aesthetic and empathetic awareness, developed through engagement with art, can lead to understanding and appreciation of self, others, the natural world, and constructed environments.

Essential Questions

How do life experiences influence the way we relate to art? How does learning about art impact how we perceive the world? What can we learn from our responses to art?

Standard VA.R1.B

Grade Level



K.VA.R1.B Identify uses of art within one’s personal environment.


1.VA.R1.B Select and describe works of art that illustrate dailylife experiences.


2.VA.R1.B Perceive and describe aesthetic characteristics of one’s natural world and constructed environments.


3.VA.R1.B Speculate about processes an artist uses to create a work of art.


4.VA.R1.B Compare responses to a work of art before and after experimenting with similar processes.


5.VA.R1.B Compare one's own interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others.

DOMAIN: Respond 3

Foundation R2

Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

People gain insights into meanings of artworks by engaging in the process of interpreting art.

Essential Questions

What is the value of engaging in the process of interpreting art? How does knowing and using visual art vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art? How do artists use expressive properties to communicate meaning?

Standard VA.R2.A

Grade Level



K.VA.R2.A Interpret art by identifying subject matter and describing relevant details while using appropriate art vocabulary.


1.VA.R2.A Interpret art by categorizing subject matter and describing relevant details while using appropriate art vocabulary.


2.VA.R2.A Interpret art by identifying the suggested mood and describing relevant subject matter while using appropriate art vocabulary.


3.VA.R2.A Interpret art by analyzing how use of media, mood, and subject matter shape meaning while using appropriate art vocabulary.


4.VA.R2.A Interpret art by analyzing how context, relevant subject matter, and use of media shape meaning while using appropriate artvocabulary.


5.VA.R2.A Interpret art to identify ideas and mood conveyed by analyzing context, subject matter, and use of media while using appropriate art vocabulary.

DOMAIN: Respond 4

Foundation R3

Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

Enduring Understandings

People evaluate art based on various criteria.

Essential Questions

What is the value of engaging in the process of art criticism? How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art? How and why might criteria vary? How is a personal preference different from an evaluation?

Standard VA.R3.A

Grade Level



K.VA.R3.A Explain reasons for selecting a preferred artwork.


1.VA.R3.A Classify artwork based on different reasons for preferences.


2.VA.R3.A Use art vocabulary to express preferences about artwork.


3.VA.R3.A Evaluate an artwork based on given criteria.


4.VA.R3.A Apply one set of criteria to evaluate more than one work of art.


5.VA.R3.A Recognize how styles, genres, media, and historical and cultural contexts influence criteria used to evaluate works of art.


DOMAIN: Connect 1

Foundation Cn1

Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to artistic endeavors.

Enduring Understandings

Through art-making, people construct meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.

Essential Questions

How does engaging in the creation of art enrich people's lives? How does making art attune people to their surroundings? How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and the lives of their communities through art-making?

Standard VA.Cn1.A

Grade Level



K.VA.Cn1.A Create art that tells a story about a life experience.


1.VA.Cn1.A Identify times, places, and reasons students make art outside of school.


2.VA.Cn1.A Create art about events in home, school, or community life.


3.VA.Cn1.A Develop art based on observations of surroundings.


4.VA.Cn1.A Create art that communicates the cultural traditions of one’s community.


5.VA.Cn1.A Create art based on personal experiences, current interests, and surroundings.

DOMAIN: Connect 2

Foundation Cn2

Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context.

Enduring Understandings

People develop ideas and understandings of society, culture, and history through their interactions with and analysis of art.

Essential Questions

How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? How is art used to impact the views of a society? How does art preserve aspects of life?

Standard VA.Cn2.A

Grade Level



K.VA.Cn2.A Identify a purpose of an artwork.


1.VA.Cn2.A Express how people from different places and times have made art for a variety of reasons.


2.VA.Cn2.A Compare and contrast purposes of artwork from various cultures, times, and places.


3.VA.Cn2.A Recognize that responses to art can change depending on knowledge of the time and place in which it was made.


4.VA.Cn2.A Through observation, infer information about time, place, and culture in which a work of art was created.


5.VA.Cn2.A Identify how art is used to inform or change beliefs, values, or behaviors of an individual or society.