Fifth Grade

Art Activity

Have Fun Creating Artists!!!

Quarter 2

Illuminated Manuscript Stories

Overview and Purpose: This purpose of this project is to expose students to writing fairytales, calligraphy, strengthening their knowledge of story elements. and to help them understand the history of Illuminated Manuscripts inspired by Medieval Times, and the Middle Ages.

Objectives: Students will be able to explore fairy tales, calligraphy, story elements, and the history of Illuminated Manuscripts in order to create their own stories.


-Create a fairytale story using a graphic organizer

-Develop characters, setting, problem and solution

-Research and practice the styles and techniques of ornamental/illuminated letters in order to mimic Medieval Manuscripts

-Create your own Illuminated Manuscript

-Complete a project reflection sheet

Lesson Vocabulary

Read each vocabulary word to gain knowledge of word meanings.

1. Illumination - an illumination is an EMBELLISHMENT, or additional decoration that enhances the pages of a written, or manuscript page. The term, Illumination comes from the term Illuminate, or to fill with light. This effect is achieved with the application of gold leaf to the letters and images, which reflect light and appear to glow.

2. Illuminated Letter - an illuminated letter was usually the first letter of a page or paragraph. It was always enlarged and in color with gold applied in areas, while the rest of the text remained black. The images used to enhance the letters include animals, plants, and mythological creatures. These images were modified to fit into or around the letter, or in some cases took on the shape of the letter itself.

3. Parchmenter - the parchmenter prepares the drawing and writing surface.

4. Scribe- the scribe is who copies information onto each page.

5. Illuminator- the illuminator is who actually creates the Illuminated letters and other decorations on each page.

6. Decorated Initials- letters made from designs without animals

7. Historiated Initials- letters made using designs with identifiable figures or narrative scenes

8. Borders

9. Parchment- parchment is made of calfskin was called vellum, was of much higher quality as a writing surface, and so became more popular.

embellishments Themes can be chosen for embellishments. Common themes include plants, vines, animals, and mythical images. Students can lightly sketch the embellishments around the letter with a pencil. Erase and redraw any mistakes until the student feels the images are satisfactory.

10. Calligraphy- calligraphy is a type of visual art related to writing

11. Monks- Monks especially worked on illuminated manuscripts. Monks spent hours in the scriptorium, or writing room. There they copied the scrolls, letter by letter. Several monks often collaborated on the same book. In most cases, one group concentrated on the script while another did the illustrations.

All About Medieval Times or Middle Ages

Fun Facts

  • The Medieval Era, often called The Middle Ages or the Dark Ages, began around 476 A.D. following a great loss of power throughout Europe by the Roman Emperor.

  • The Middle Ages span roughly 1,000 years, ending between 1400 and 1450. In Spain, however, 1492 is considered the end of their medieval period and the beginning of the modern era. The period was one of human expansion, centralization and great political upheaval and violence, resulting in the foundation of many modern European countries. It was also dominated by a surge in Christianity leading to the building of great cathedrals, clearing of large tracts of land by peasants, settling of new towns and villages, and building of great castles by local nobility.

Watch videos to get a better understanding of Medieval Times often called the Middle Ages

All About Illuminated Manuscripts

Fun Facts

  • Illustrated manuscripts are a unique type of document that features both text and illustration. They are handwritten books that has been decorated.

  • The decorations include elaborate designs of initial letters or borders and full, miniature pictures.

  • Illuminated manuscripts were popularly created between approximately 400 to 1400 C.E. and fell out of popularity with the invention of the printing press.

  • One of the earliest recorded Illuminated Manuscripts is the Vergilius Augusteus from the 4th century C.E.; although it does not include illustrations, it was the first European document to feature decorated capital letters on each page. This technique would become characteristic of many later illustrated works.

Watch videos to get a better understanding of Illuminated Manuscripts

How to make Illuminated Letters

Watch videos to get a better understanding of the styles and techniques of how to draw Illuminated Letters

Practice any alphabet letter and add ornamental/illuminated embellishments to your design

Examples of Illuminated Letters

All About Fairytales & Story Elements

All About Calligraphy

Additional Resources