Art Contests

Enter Art Contests & WIN $$$ or Prices ( Read Instructions)

You'll be competing with students from across SCS! You Can Do It!

Tips to help you win art contests!

Make sure your artwork has:

  1. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme. (Theme is whatever the contest wants you to draw).

  2. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.

  3. Make sure your name is on the back, signatures go at the bottom of the front only when you have finished the work. Let me know if you need help with signing your artwork.

  4. Good Craftsmanship: it should be neat, colored all the way; work on getting rid of white spots in your coloring or painting; paper shouldn't be wrinkled

  5. Make sure it is complete and submitted on time!

Have Fun Creating! Remember I am always here to help you!

Open Contests for 2022/2023 School Year

Upcoming Art Contests

Art Contest 1

  • Delta Fair Student Art Contest entries are due Saturday, August 27 at the Agri-Center from 9am-6pm. Each K-12 school may enter 6 pieces total (2 per grade level and only one per student). Please see the contest guidelines at the link below:

Delta Fair Contest Info

Art Contest 2

  • The Mid-South Fair Student Art Contest entries are due on Monday, September 19 at the Landers Center from 9am-6pm. Each K-12 school may enter 6 pieces total (2 per grade level and only one per student). Please see the contest guidelines at the link below:

Mid-South Fair Contest Info and Entry Forms

Art Contest 3

  • Briarcrest Regional Art Contest & Exhibition (Physical art will be dropped off on Wednesday, October 26th)

Stay Tuned (info not ready)

Visit Brace website to see contest from last year

Closed Contests for 2022/2023 School Year that have ended


Examples of art that has good Craftsmanship!